What's New in NJStar Chinese WP Version 6.30

What's New in Version (Update 6)  (Release Date: 2021-06-18)

This is the 6th update for version 6, it comes with the following improvements and bug fixes.

  • Improve: create extra MetaFile picture when Copy the text - was in v4/5.
  • Improve: help pages are shown with wider line space for easy reading.
  • Fix: input method names were shown with extra unwanted characters.
  • Fix: saved docx file opened in Word with in-correct Line Break.
  • Fix: Other minor reported bugs.

What's New in Version (Update 5)  (Release Date: 2020-05-18)

This is the 5th update for version 6.0. It comes with the following improvements and bug fixes.

  • Improve: Update Pinyin, Cantonese, Cangjie, Juytping and Telegraph code input methods.
  • Improve: Add Microsoft Translation as a choice beside Google Translation.
  • Improve: Auto create pinyin for a word when adding user entry in the Chinese-Englisg dictionary.
  • Improve: Seperate full size mode for English and Hanzi input modes.
  • Fix: Links update to Google Online Translation.
  • Fix: Njstar hangs when mouse cursor hover over input bar button with certain text.
  • Fix: Set HKSCS PUA option correctly when change HK input code range.
  • Fix: saved docx file opened in Word with in-correct Line Break.
  • Fix: Other minor reported bugs.

What's New in Version (Update 4)  (Release Date: 2018-12-18)

This is the 4th update for version 6.0. It comes with the following improvements and bug fixes.

  • Improve: Chinese-English translation interface to Google and Microsoft Translation Services.
  • Improve: Add Chinese language tag in RTF, so Word can break line correctly.
  • Improve: Add a '+' button on the Pinyin inputbar for adding new words.
  • Improve: Always detect DOC and DOCX file format.
  • Improve: Add 'Page Number' command for choosing page number formats.
  • Fix: Prevent NJStar WP Crash when update download link is FTP.
  • Fix: Remove extra space in Hanzi to Pinyin conversion output.
  • Fix: Scale of HTML dialog box under high DPI screen.
  • Fix: Other minor reported bugs.

What's New in Version (Update 3)  (Release Date: 2015-12-08)

This is the 3rd update for version 6.0. It comes with the following improvements and bug fixes.

  • New: Compatible with Windows 10
  • New: Vertical Block highlight with copy/cut/delete operations.
  • New: add 'Internet Search' option when right click on highlighted words.
  • Improve: Pinyin input list adds a '+' button to add new Pinyin words easily.
  • Improve: Pinyin input Method will show 'fang an' and 'fan gan' when typing 'fangan', etc.
  • improve: add high resolution button images for high dpi devices.
  • Improve: File size reduced greatly where images are inserted or pasted into the document.
  • Improve: Always show file extension regardless the settings in Windows Explorer.
  • Improve: Draw inserted stroke order sequences smoothly using anti-aliasing.
  • Improve: Add options in Stroke Order dialog box to specify stoke color and grid types.
  • Improve: Add a button on Radical Dialog box to change Simplified/Traditional Chinese.
  • Improve: Prevent saving of a file with same name as another opened document.
  • Improve: do not auto check for upgrade if not installed on this machine/account
  • Fix: Preview Page Down by mouse click on scrollbar scrolls more than one page at a time.
  • Fix: Radical Dialog box shows too much flickering when resizing.
  • Fix: the document is repainted too many times on opening.
  • Fix: Other minor reported bugs.

What's New in Version (Update 2)  (Release Date: 2014-11-18)

This is the second update for version 6.0. It comes with the following improvements and bug fixes.

  • Improve: Support for Unicode 7.0.
  • Improve: Support for high resolution devices such as Microsoft Surface Pro 3.
  • Improve: Add stroke order data for Traditional Chinese characters (was simplified only).
  • Improve: Add control to adjust the stroke order animation speed, and to resize dialog box.
  • Improve: Add option to specify the default fonts for opening new document and text files.
  • Improve: Add option to customize the settings of Other Input Methods.
  • Improve: Add option to print highlighted text only, or print the current page.
  • Improve: Add option to show character count in Unique Hanzi listing.
  • Improve: Allow at least 8105 characters in Simplified Chinese input (China's Tong Yong Hanzi).
  • Fix: Line space and page break is not correct when there are hidden characters.
  • Fix: Paste of Unicode text with Mac Style line ending has no line break.
  • Fix: Spelling errors in Chinese-English dictionary.
  • Fix: Font link for Tahoma maybe missing when Japanese characters is shown as Squares.
  • Fix: Other minor reported bugs.

What's New in Version (Update 1) (Release Date: 2014-03-18)

This is the first update for version 6.0. It comes with the following improvements and bug fixes.

  • Improve: Encode unmapped Unicode chars in HTML when saving as GB/B5/EUC/SJIS text files.
  • Improve: Simplified/Traditional conversion table is updated for better accuracy.
  • Improve: Always load dictionaries and fonts under program folder instead of registry entry.
  • Improve: Tracking changes option is now saved with the .NJX document and can be protected with password.
  • Improve: Change all Cantonese input methods to show chars with exact code match.
  • Improve: Add option in the zoom percentage list for zoom to fit the screen width (need uninstall).
  • Improve: Auto detect the HTML file encoding by reading the Charset tag
  • Improve: Display Chinese text not as boxes on UI by setting Charset (on WinXP or Wine on Mac/Linux).
  • Improve: Scroll text smoothly by holding and moving mouse on vertical scroll bar.
  • Fix: When used on secondary screen, popup and some dialog boxes were shown on primary screen.
  • Fix: Opening of CWP5 files with European accent chars in range of 0xA1-0xFF.
  • Fix: Recovered file is opened but shown as blank until the cursor is moved.
  • Fix: Possible crash when auto-saving the file.
  • Fix: GB_HZ file saving and opening are not working
  • Fix: Possible text corruption at 8k boundary when opening GB/Big5/UTF8 text files.
  • Fix: User Dictionary entries are not shown on popup dictionary when no exact match.
  • Fix: Chinese display problem when Charset not set on some Windows XP setup.
  • Fix: Stroke order display is not cleared properly when animation/try is interrupted.
  • Fix: Unable to input Chinese in a Document when another Document in Preview mode.
  • Fix: Can not open a GB/Big5 encoded RTF file properly, not converted to Unicode.
  • Fix: Saved document becomes modified when PC wakes up from sleeping.
  • Fix: Simplified/Traditional conversion stops when encounter a Unicode Ext.B char.
  • Fix: Highlight shrinks during Simplified/Traditional conversion if highlight ends on 1st column.


What's New in Version 6.0 (Major Release) (Release Date: 2013-10-28)

NJStar Chinese WP Version 6.0 is a major new release with all modules based on Unicode. The support for 70,000+ different Chinese characters in a single document has been achieved. This version is designed to support Windows XP SP3, Vista, 7, 8 and 8.1, Windows Server 2003,2008 and 2012. Windows 95, 98, 2000, ME and NT4 are no longer supported.

The following summary is a list of main features in this new version. An * at the end indicates a new or improved feature in version 6.

Chinese Language Learning and Teaching

  • The only software that can input Chinese using Pinyin with Tone (optional).
  • Animate and practice Stroke order, insert/print Stroke order sequences (for 6500 simplified Chinese characters only). *
  • Interface to online multilingual translation. *
  • Built-in 100,000-entry Chinese English dictionary for easy lookup. *
  • Chinese text annotation with Chinese-English dictionary.
  • Popup dictionary with annotations for main window text and inputbar input candidates.
  • Create a vocabularies database with the Study List.
  • Find out the Pinyin and meanings of uncommonly used Chinese characters using Radical Lookup.
  • Use Hanzi of the day as flashcards to review HSK vocabularies at different levels. *
  • Convert Hanzi to Mandarin Pinyin with tone, Cantonese Jyutping or other Romanizations. *
  • Input pinyin with tone directly using Tone Pinyin method. *
  • List and count the unique Hanzi used in the document and sort the list in Pinyin order.*
  • Compare two documents to highlight the difference in colors, useful for marking student's work. *
  • Add removable comments to document text for easy marking of student assignment. *
  • Enforce teaching rules for Pinyin input and other functions.

Chinese Word Processing Tools

  • Read from and Save to Microsoft RTF (Rich Text Format) and DOCX (Office Open XML) file formats. *
  • Convert Hanzi between Simplified and Traditional Chinese without loss of formatting information. *
  • Support both Simplified and Traditional Chinese text, as well as other languages in the same document. *
  • Support not only 20,000 GB, Big5 and Unihan characters, but also extra 50,000 in Unicode CJK Ext. A,B,C&D. *
  • Open/Save/Copy/Paste Chinese text in all encodings such as UTF8, UTF16/UCS2, UCS4 and GB/Big5 codes. *
  • Support the latest HKSCS-2008 for character input and document editing & printing. *
  • Insert pictures of all formats (JPG,GIF,PNG,BMP,TIF,EMF,WMF) inline or as frame, background and watermark. *
  • Sort Chinese text based on Pinyin, Radical or number of Strokes. *
  • Hanzi Information to provide detail codes and meanings for each Hanzi.
  • Ability to open and work on more than one documents in the tab-based interface within one window. *
  • Ability to open a new document with different pre-defined styles and templates. *

Chinese Input Methods

  • NJStar comes with 32 built-in Chinese Input Methods to suit all needs. *
  • Mandarin based: Pinyin (拼音), Online Pinyin (连拼), Double Pinyin (双拼), Zhuyin (国语注音), Yale (耶鲁拼音), Wade-Giles (韦氏拼音) and Romatzyh (国语罗马字). *
  • Cantonese based: Jyutping (粤拼), Guangdong pinyin (广东拼音), Yale/CTLau/FFLee Cantonese (粤语). *
  • Stroke based: Cangjie (仓颉), WuBiZiXin (五笔字型), Four Corners (四角号码) and CKC-ZongHeng (纵横). *
  • Pinyin and Stroke based: TwoStroks (二笔输入法).
  • Code based: Chinese Commercial/Telegraph Code (电报号码), GB, Big5, Unicode and English (英汉).
  • Kana based: JapaneseKana (日语假名).
  • Character set for Jyutping, Guangdong Pinyin, Yale/CT-Lau/FF-Lee Cantonese input methods has been extended to support HKSCS-2008 and 20,000 Unihan characters. *
  • Extended Symbols Input for special Hanzi, Date and Time, Dingbats, Geometry, etc. *
  • Four Chinese input modes: Simplified, Traditional (Taiwan), Traditional HK and Unified (combination of all input modes). *
  • Customizable input bar in which the size of displayed Chinese characters can be enlarged to suit high resolution screens, and the font and color be changed to suit different user needs. *
  • Manage commonly used terms/words with short input key using Glossary function.
  • Recall recent inputted characters using Shift+Space.
  • Specify the code range of each input mode. *
  • Commonly used characters will be remembered and moved to the top of the list for easy character selection. *
  • Ability to limit the input character selections to the commonly used character set.
  • Add/delete/train words in Pinyin Phrase dictionary and adjust frequency as you use it.
  • Backup/restore user modified input dictionaries, study list, character usage frequency files etc. *
  • Ability to show the next input key by pressing "x" when using one of the Other Input Methods. *
  • Create your own Unicode based input method and use it in NJStar.

Document Formatting and Editing

  • Easy font formatting using Format Painter, Color Marker. *
  • Define your own Stylesheet with different combination of Chinese and Latin fonts, paragraph and margin settings and save as a Template. *
  • Support multiple document templates for faster creation of new documents. *
  • Ability to insert all types of pictures inline, in frame or as background/watermark picture. *
  • Ability to wrap text around pictures and frames. *
  • Support hyperlink, bookmark, list, footnote, endnote, header, footer and other input fields. *
  • Ability to insert table with comprehensive Table editing and formatting functions with Undo and Redo. *
  • Optional multiple column page layout.
  • Ability to adjust spacing between characters, lines and paragraphs. *
  • Spelling check with English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish. *
  • Track, accept, reject or hide document changes. *
  • Backward compatible with NJStar WP version 4 and version 5 file formats. *
  • Additional fonts for Pro and Ultimate editions, up to 52 NJStar OpenType Postscript Chinese fonts. *

User Interface

  • Tab based multi-theme, multi-document user interface. *
  • Customizable Toolbars, inputbar and Keyboard shortcuts. *
  • Multilingual User Interface with English, French, Simplified and Traditional Chinese menu, dialog boxes and messages. *
  • Built-in File Explorer for easy browsing and opening of document files. *
  • Page view mode for printing, fitted view mode for editing text files. *
  • Preview page layout before sending to the printer.
  • Built-in automatic update checker to check for program update and install the update after download. *


Features in the Old Version

Version 5.x