Notarization of Family Relation

Purpose of notarization: Family relation is a legal relationship formed by marriage, ties of blood or adoption. The notarization of family relation refers to an activity in which the notary organization proves the family relation of parties concerned formed due to marriage, ties of blood or adoption based on an application from the parties concerned (exclude the notarization of family relation used for inheritance).

1. The valid identity document of the applicant.

2. The household register of the applicant, or the original copy of his/her personal page (s) of Register Card for Permanent Resident and a photocopy of the first page in the institutional register attached with the employer’s official seal in the case of an applicant lives in an institutional household.

3. In case, the applicant needs to entrust other (s) to proceed with the notarization for him/her, the applicant shall provide the ID card of the entrusted, a hand-written power of attorney (indicating the reasons to entrust to whom it is entrusted for what type (s) of notarization, with the signature of the applicant, either the original copy or a faxed copy will be accepted).

4. Evidentiary letter of family relation should be issued by the local police station of your registered residence or the unit where your personnel archives are stored to prove the relationship between the applicant and his/her family. The scope of family relationship notarization is only limited to the verification of linear relatives by blood and / or collateral relative by blood within three generations. For the collateral relative by blood, the origin of their family relationship shall be indicated in the evidentiary letter. For example, a cousin should be indicated as a descendent of the brothers or sisters of the applicant's mother or a descendent of the sisters of the applicant's father. If the relationship between parents and children is to be notarized, any one of the following evidentiary materials can be selected to replace an evidentiary letter based on the actual situation of the applicant: ①If your birth notarization has ever been proceeded before, the original birth notarization can be submitted; ②birth certificate issued by a medical institute (If there are some items missing, or alteration, or the inconsistence of handwriting in your birth certificate issued by a medical institute, the birth certificate by the medical institute will only be used as an evidence along with any of other evidentiary materials).

5. If there is no reflection of the citizenship ID card numbers of the parents in any of the above evidences, the applicant shall also provide a photocopy of the ID card or household register of the parents; otherwise, the birth notarization will not include the citizenship ID card numbers of the parents, which may affect its usage.

6. If the evidentiary materials you provided cannot accurately prove the notarizing issues with vague and incompletion, please submit supplement evidentiary materials required by the notary staff.

Note: An applicant not registered as a permanent resident of Beijing needs to provide a valid temporary residence permit proving his / her residence period in Beijing exceeding a year or a work residence permit of Beijing, while a minor applicant not registered as a permanent resident of Beijing needs to provide Student Card of Primary or Secondary Schools of Beijing.

Special reminder: In the notarization of family relationship which will be used in Japan, if the detailed address of the applicant or relative is required, generally it should be specific to the street and house number in the evidentiary letter.


NOTE: The professional human Chinese and English translation services are provided by HYW Translation Co.
