Why NJStar Software ?
- NJStar has many years of CJK software development experiences, strong ability in R&D.
- NJStar provides free trial, free tech support and free after sale services.
- NJStar is designed according to user's practical need and requirements.
- NJStar provides full and unique function for CJK language learning and teaching.
- NJStar users are from universities, colleges and companies around the globe.
- NJStar strictly protects user's privacy and respect user's wishes.
NJStar Chinese WP Version
NJStar Chinese WP is mainly a Chinese word processing software. It is designed to processing both Simplified and Traditional Chinese characters at the same time. With Unicode as Internal code, Japanese, Korean, English and other western language text can be included as well. It is an ideal tool for Chinese language learning and teaching with powerful popup dictionary functions.
Main Features:
- Multi-font Chinese document format compatible with Microsoft RTF and DOCX formats;
- Support 20,000 GB/Big5/HKSCS-2008/Unihan characters and extra 50,000 in Unicode CJK Ext.A,B,C&D;
- Supports both Simplified and Traditional Chinese characters in the same document;
- Instant English-Chinese/Chinese-English dictionary lookup with 100,000 entries;
- More than 32 advanced Chinese input methods: Pinyin, Zhuyin, Cantonese, Cangjie etc.;
- Animate and practice Stroke order, insert/print Stroke order sequences;
- Four Chinese input modes: Simplified, Traditional (Taiwan), Traditional HK and Unified mode;
- Customizable input bar in which the size of displayed Chinese characters can be enlarged to suit high resolution screens;
- Chinese learning tools such as "Convert characters to Pinyin", "Hanzi of the Day", "Hanzi Information", "Study List" and Chinese characters Radical Lookup table;
- Up to 52 NJStar Chinese OpenType fonts (OTF) (Pro versions), and more . . ..
System Requirements: Windows XP SP3, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 or 10, 32/64 bits, Windows Server 2003/2008/2012, Linux+Wine1.x
NJStar Japanese WP Version
NJStar Japanese WP is mainly a Japanese word processing software. It is designed to processing both Kanji and Kana characters. With Unicode as Internal code, Chinese, Korean, English and other western language text can be included as well. It is an ideal tool for Japanese language learning and teaching with powerful popup dictionary functions.
Main Features:
- Multi-font Japanese document format compatible with Microsoft RTF and DOCX formats;
- Support 20,000 Unihan characters and extra 50,000 in Unicode CJK Ext.A,B,C&D;
- Supports Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Western Languages text in the same document;
- Support Japanese Multilingual Dictionary (JMDICT) lookup with 100,000+ entries;
- More than 10 advanced Japanese input methods: Romaji, KanaKanji, Four Corners etc.;
- Animate and practice Stroke order, insert/print Stroke order sequences;
- Customizable input bar in which the size of displayed Japanese characters can be enlarged to suit high resolution screens;
- Japanese learning tools such as "Kanji of the Day", "Kanji Information", "Study List" and Japanese characters Radical Lookup table;
- Up to 20 NJStar Japanese OpenType fonts (OTF) (Pro versions), and more . . ..
System Requirements: Windows XP SP3, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 or 10, 32/64 bits, Windows Server 2003/2008/2012, Linux+Wine1.x
NJStar Communicator Version
A powerful software which enables normal Windows applications to read and write Chinese, Japanese and Korean (CJK) language text.
Main Features:
- View simplified Chinese website in traditional Chinese, and vice versa;
- Read and write CJK characters in web browser, instant messenger email and Microsoft Office;
- Internet search with Chinese, Japanese or Korean keywords;
- Powerful CJK Universal Code Convertor
- Sending CJK email message in GIF picture format! [ more . . . ]
System Requirements: Windows XP SP3, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 or 10, 32/64 bits, Windows Server 2003/2008/2012

NJStar Chinese Calendar Version
This Chinese-Lunar / Western Calendar software has a powerful Electronic Planner which automatically reminds and even performs scheduled jobs for you. Also included is a World Clock which allows you to look up 24-hour timezone difference, telephone codes and flight distance between any cities around the world.
Main Features:
- Lunar/Solar Calendar display, printing and conversion.
- Electronic Planner with powerful "Remind-Me" settings for daily/weekly/monthly/yearly plans.
- Schedule to run a computer program or to send an email automatically.
- Clickable World-Map to search for 24 hour timezone and travel/telephone related information.
- Multilingual interface (Chinese Simplified/Chinese Traditional/English).
- Print customized calendar for a specific month or year with customized picture. [ more . . . ]
System Requirements: Windows 95/98/ME/2000/2003/XP/Vista/7/8/8.1
NJStar Chinese Pen Version
Now you can input Chinese by writing it - no need to memorize input strings in various Chinese input coding scheme. With your mouse or an electronic pen/tablet, you can write Chinese just like writing on paper.
Main Features:
- Handwriting Chinese with mouse or electronic pen/tablet.
- Output similar Chinese words on inputbar for selection.
- Chinese Mandarin read-back while you write.
- Text-to-Speech in Mandrin for highlighted Chinese words/paragraph.
- Various options for slow/fast users. [ more . . . ]
System Requirements: Windows 95/98/ME/2000/2003/XP/Vista/7
NJStar Chinese Website Converter Version
More and more websites are moving toward Web 2.0, in which web contents are stored in database, and web pages are generated dynamically. The cost of maintaining both simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese versions of such dynamic website is almost double that of maintaining a single Chinese version. With the help of NJCWC, a website owner can concentrate on maintaining only one version, and let NJStar create the other version automatically and accurately in real time.
Main Features:
- COST SAVING: Eliminates the associated costs and inevitable human handling error in maintaining two Chinese language versions for your web content and web based database search/lookup engines;
- SMART CONVERSION: Simplified and Traditional Chinese bi-directional conversion with intelligent one-to-many characters mapping;
- VERSATILE: Converts static and dynamic web contents, such as form based user submission as well as keyword search/lookup conversion;
- Supports all popular Operating Systems: Linux, BSD, Solaris, Unix and Windows
NJCWC is developed as a Perl Module to work under Apache web server. We can install it on any OS where Apache is installed.
- Supports all web programing languages: PHP, ASP, ASP.net , Java, Perl, Python, Ruby, etc...
Regardness which programing language you have used for your website, NJCWC is able to do the conversion because it's independent of your origional website. NJCWC converts all standard web documents, such as HTML, XML, XHTML, CSS and Javascript.
- Supports all popular Chinese web page encodings :
Double Bytes: GB2312, GBK, GB18030, Big5, Big5-HKSCS (2008)
Unicode (8.0): UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-16LE, UTF-16BE - Support Unihan, CJK Ext. A, B & C.