- If you have already placed the order, you can check out your order status.
- Check out our Special Bundle Offer, Save $$$.
- If you have purchased NJStar in the past, check out our upgrade offer.
- For multiple-user site license purchase, get a quotation from here.
- All US$ prices does not include GST for Australian Residents.
- Orders can be paid with credit card (VISA, M/C, AmEx), Paypal, check or with bank transfer.

Please Select One of the Order Forms
NJStar Chinese WP from US$99 (AU$128+GST)
(Standard, Pro, Pro SC, Pro TC, Ultimate)for Windows XP/Vista, 7/8/8.1/10,
Server 2003/2008/2012, 32/64 bit
also works for Mac OSX v10.6 to 10.14,
and Linux+WINE
NJStar Japanese WP from US$99 (AU$128+GST)
(Standard, Pro, Ultimate)for Windows XP/Vista, 7/8/8.1/10,
Server 2003/2008/2012, 32/64 bit
also works for Mac OSX v10.6 to 10.14,
and Linux+WINE
NJStar Communicator from US$99 (AU$128+GST)
(Standard, Pro, Pro SC, Pro TC, Ultimate)for Windows XP/Vista, 7/8/8.1/10,
Server 2003/2008/2012,
32/64 bit
NJStar Chinese Pen US$49 (AU$63+GST)
for Win 95/98/NT/ME, 2000/2003, XP/Vista/7/8/8.1 32 bitNJStar Chinese Calendar US$38 (AU$49+GST)
for Win 95/98/NT/ME, 2000/2003, XP/Vista/732/64 bit
NJWIN CJK Viewer US$49 (AU$63+GST)
for 95/98/ME, 2000/2003, XP/Vista/732/64 bit
Other Ordering Methods
If you would like to order our product by cheque, please fill out and print the online order form (same form used for credit card ordering). Then send it with your cheque to:
NJStar Software Pty Ltd
PO Box 40
Epping NSW 2121
Tel: +61-2-98691088
Fax: +61-2-98691099
PO Box 40
Epping NSW 2121
Tel: +61-2-98691088
Fax: +61-2-98691099
Please make your cheque payable to 'NJStar Software'.
Other Currency
If you like to order NJStar Software using your local currency, you can find a list of NJStar Resellers here.